Lovehandles removal

Lovehandles removal without surgery? Who doesn’t want them gone, those rolls of fat on your flanks that always bulge so unsightly over your pants or skirt. No matter what you do, they won’t go away. Fortunately there is now a solution to that: CoolSculpting! We offer a treatment that removes your love handles without surgery. By using a technique where we freeze the subcutaneous fat cells they are broken down by the body itself over the course of several weeks.

Benefits of lovehandles removal with CoolSculpting

Love handles removal is something we do at CoolSculpting Kliniek by using the revolutionary technique cryolipolysis. This entails freezing the subcutaneous fat cells so they are broken down by the body.

This technique has been approved by the US FDA (Food and Drug Association) and is therefore absolutely safe. This is also done without surgery or anesthesia and after the treatment you can simply do everything again!

Causes of lovehandles

The well known ‘muffin top’. You are not fat but have little to no waist. So this fat on the side of the abdomen is also known as lovehandles and the most common cause of this is sugar! Love handles are often a sign that the body cannot process insulin properly. Love handles are additionally often associated with a bulging belly, also called ‘visceral belly fat’.

The main factors that can cause belly fat are:

  • Hormones
  • Carbohydrates and saturated fats
  • Sugar and salt
  • Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages
  • Structurally insufficient sleep

Want to remove your lovehandles without surgery and wonder if you qualify for our treatment? Then take the free test!

Lovehandles gone in a few weeks

The CoolSculpting treatment has now been successfully performed millions of times worldwide. A proven technique that is reliable and safe. We are therefore happy to give our patients a 100% guarantee of visible change. In this way your lovehandles will be gone in just a few weeks!

Do you want to remove your lovehandles and are you curious about the results we can achieve for you? Take a look at the before and after pictures of people who went before you and read more about the possibilities.

Experiences with Cryolipolysis

The experiences of others indicate that the treatment works! Freezing the subcutaneous fat cells gives lasting results. Cryolipolysis can permanently remove fat in selective areas. We’ll make sure you get the right information beforehand and we’ll coordinate your personalized treatment plan together.

Do you want to remove lovehandles without surgery, but still have some questions? Perhaps the experiences of people who went before you can answer your questions! For example, Johan tells the following: “I pay a little attention to my body, so I go to the gym regularly. But I couldn’t get rid of the rolls on my sides. Until I discovered CoolSculpting: what a difference!

Read more experiences here.