The CoolSculpting Experience of Daphne Sonneveld

Daphne Sonneveld, owner of Daily Dose of Daph, made an appointment at CoolSculpting Clinic in The Hague in 2017. She has kept track of this process on her weekly blog.

Before and After Photos of CoolSculpting Experience of Daphne Sonneveld

The 12 weeks have flown by and I am really super happy with the results. I find it hard to just expose this but I’m showing it anyway so you can really see what the results can be so.

Daphne Sonneveld

Week 20: Intake scheduled

“Jeeh exciting, I have an appointment today at CoolSculpting Clinic in The Hague. This is where they freeze your fats. I’m really curious to see how that all works out, so exciting! I do know that your body always retains all your fat cells, even when you lose weight, for example. And with fat freezing, the fat cells really leave your body through your bladder. So this is how it works. I’ll have an intake in a moment and then we’ll make an appointment.

The explanation of CoolSculpting is: In CoolSculpting treatment, we use certified equipment. During the treatment, the applicator is placed on the skin. This is customized to the area to be treated, which allows for very focused work. Then the skin and underlying fat tissue are vacuumed between the cooling plates and the cooling begins.

Week 23: Freezing fat

“You’re probably going to think, huh what’s this? Are you going to have fat frozen? Why? You don’t need that. Still, this is a thingy for me too. You know that I have lost 11 kilos and now weigh almost the same again (with much more muscle and almost the same fat percentage as 11 kilos lighter), but it is something that I keep falling over, those little edges on your belly that just won’t go away, even if you weigh 56 kilos, because yes, I have also experienced that.

Where does this come from? If you have always been slim, you will also not create much fat or contain fat cells. The chances of getting fat are slim. If you have been a little heavier at one time or another, your body still possesses those fat cells, only they have shrunk. This does make you look thinner, weigh lighter and have less fat percentage, but you still have the same amount of fat cells. Using CoolSculpting, I am going to address this. The fat cells freeze and break down, so to speak, which causes the body to think of this as bacteria, slowly drain it and leave the body through your urine.

I will dedicate an entire blog to my experience and of course after a while about the results, because they are only visible after 3 weeks and optimal at 12 weeks. So just a little more patience!

The intake

“I am having my fat frozen at CoolSculpting Kliniek! Last week was the day, I had my fat frozen at CoolSculpting Clinic in The Hague. It really seemed like the ultimate opportunity to get rid of those last edges for once. As you know, I work out about 7 times a week and it might be weird to think that I still have fat edges or something along those lines, but even with that much exercise, not everything comes off! And I have been able to experience that. I have lost 11 kilos in weight and this always left a small belly, which I really could not get rid of. And what turns out? These are the fat cells that will always exist in your body. In fact, fat is also a form of connective tissue. The fact is, when you lose weight, your fat cells don’t actually leave your body. This is where CoolSculpting comes in.

Getting rid of those last fat edges. You would say; Daph you don’t need that at all, but still, they only do the treatment if there are real results to be had. First, you have an intake meeting where we look at the places on the body where you would like to have less visible edges. With me, this was the case on the flanks (back/backside) and on the front on the lower abdomen. This would mean I would have 2 sessions of front and back.

Week 25: The treatment

“Let’s go! Fat freezing begins. 2 weeks after the consultation, I was already able to come in for my treatment. The treatment would take 35 minutes per session (front 1, back 2 times). I got in at 2 o’clock and could go home again at 4:30. It is best to come in in your bikini, so you can wear the same bikini next time and see the before and after. Pictures were taken from all angles in a professional and inspected studio space. So I can see my results in 12 weeks. You can see results after 2-3 weeks, but after 12 weeks it is optimal! After the pictures you have to sign a form with health declarations, because it is a medical treatment after all.”

Meanwhile, in all CoolSculpting Kliniek, we no longer work with the equipment that was used on Daphne at the time. This has all been renewed to the CoolSculpting Elite. The principle of the treatment remains the same, but it is faster, two applicators can be used at the same time and it is more effective.

“The treatment in its work. First of all, the pictures are taken and the relevant spots are marked off. This is where the device is placed and pulls the skin into a vacuum. The applicator can reach a temperature of -11 so that effective cooling occurs. Fat cells crystallize at 2-4 degrees. This process takes 35 minutes, after which the device is disconnected again. I didn’t think the treatment itself hurt, but when the device was disconnected I did feel some pain coming up in that particular spot. In fact, your blood all flows to this spot at that time, making you dizzy and nauseous for a while. Therefore, it is important to eat and drink well before treatment. After 2 minutes of massaging, you already feel it a little less, but it feels like a bruise for the first 2/3 days. A little harder and more sensitive.

Important questions and answers. I had my treatment done by Ellemieke and of course I asked her a few things about the treatment, techniques and facts.

  1. Can anyone use this technique?
    CoolSculpting is a medical treatment so a practioner must be employed, which is why you probably won’t find it at a local beauty salon. If no practitioner is working, then you can assume it’s not CoolSculpting, but some other form of (not always effective) cryolipolysis!
  2. Are you losing weight or lowering your fat percentage? Because the treatment is not internal, you do not lose weight or fat percentage. The fat is in the connective tissue layer and that freezes. Then, the body will export these frozen fat cells the body in a natural way. In doing so, the treatment provides optical results. So your belly and flanks really start to look thinner and slimmer and also contain less fat cells.
  3. Does it hurt? As Ellemieke also informed, the beginning is not a nice feeling for a while. And I got to experience that, haha! During the treatment, your skin is pulled into a vacuum in the affected area to freeze the fat cells underneath. After the treatment, the skin may still feel sore, this disappears within a few days.

In 12 weeks I will write a new blog about my results! I’m very curious to see what kind of impact it has and what the result will be.”

Week 36: Final result of CoolSculpting

“I’ve told you many times in my blog that I stopped by CoolSculpting for a treatment 12 weeks ago. In this process, they freeze your fat and it gradually decreases (optically) over 12 weeks. Now the 12 weeks have flown by and I am really super happy with the results. I find it hard to just expose this but I’m showing it anyway so you can really see what the results can be so. By the way, there is 1.5 kg difference in left and right. I’d love to hear what you think of the result.

Still, it’s something I keep falling over, those little edges on my belly that just won’t go away.

Daphne Sonneveld

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